Saturday, January 21, 2012

Letter C Cupcake Craft

Before I get started...did you know that Picnik is closing as of April 19th?!?!?!  AHHH!!  I am so sad!!!  When I got the email last night I literally said "WHAT?!" out-loud!

Sorry I just had to vent!

Onto our Letter "C" crafts...and, yes, I am going to use picnik to edit my photos until the bitter end:)

I used Pinterest to come up with some good craft ideas, but the one I am going to share with you hear, I came up with myself.

Since it will soon be little peanuts 2nd birthday, I decided we should make a cupcake!  She had a lot of fun during the process, and decided to sing to herself as she was painting...haha!

Here is what we did.

We took a few colors (that my little peanut chose) and put them in a paper plate with Q-tips for brushes.  She was having alot of fun putting each of the colors on the paper...

...but I quickly realized that it was a bit messy and ran to get an old shirt of daddy's to put over her cute  outfit:)  This saved her clothes by the end!!

Before the paint completely dried, we sprinkled some glitter (as sprinkles) on the paper.

Next I flipped over a white paper plate and glued down the "base" of the cupcake - which is just brown construction paper I cut out free hand.

Lastly, I cut out the "top" of the cupcake from the white paper my little peanut painted earlier in the day and glued it to the top of the plate.  Don't forget the cherry on top:)



  1. How creative is this! We just did some art projects today but not as cute as yours. Thanks for linking up. HOpe you have a great weekend!

  2. What a fun craft!! Thank you so much for sharing at Sharing Saturday! We hope to see you again this week!

  3. How cute is that? I love how it turned out ;-) Thank you for sharing your ideas with us on The Sunday Showcase

  4. Adorable! We're going to be doing 'alphabet month' in February, so I'll have to remember it for C Day! Thanks for sharing at Shine on Fridays!


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